Monday, April 11, 2016

Power is the main point of corruption. In the novel we see that victor Frankenstein studies the life of elixir and eventually goes crazy trying to obtain it. When he finally reaches this goal he finds that instead of creating life, he creates a monster all done from his hunger for power and knowledge. The monster too uses the power given to him to seek revenge on victor. You can see how power corrupted both man and monster and how it is a key element in this novel.

Monday, March 28, 2016

"My temper was sometimes violent,". This quote foreshadows the monster itself. It is said that the monster and frankenstein share a lot of characteristics. The characteristics of the word "violent", found in the quote, gives the reader some insight of how the monster will turn out to be if they make the monster before it is presented through the traits victor is shown to posses. Later in the novel we see how violent the monster is, killing everyone close to victor because of his temper. You can say that he has a violent temper.

Monday, March 21, 2016

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men" Obtaining power can be a dangerous thing especially when you do not know what to do with such power. Many people may not be prepared or suited to hold power. This corrupts people inside out and molds them into something that may portray fear most of the time. Absolute power is on it own standard level though. That creates madness in someone who is not used to such power and absolutely corrupts a person. Power is a weapon of mass destruction, if you don't believe so just take a look at Vladimir Putin or Kim Jun Un. These men are crazy with power and do what they feel fit so. Power is so abused that they make themselves seem as superheros sometimes which is believed by the public.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

If I were able to choose all genetic traits of my future children I would want them to have the best genetics possible. When it comes to working out, genes are what determine your limits of you're full body growth, so I would have these genes modified to where they can perform their best and be naturally gifted with great genes in order to obtain maximum body mass. I would also like them be to genetically gifted to where they are natural athletes. Being the best in any sport they desire would be best for my children but of course they will still train hard. The only thing wrong with designer babies would probably be religion. As a child of god, you are brought to this world as he sees best and many people follow this philosophy. This may cause a major debate on the topic of genetic modification. Maybe this could be good to a certain extent though. Rid of genes that cause hereditary diseases could be a cure to many diseases or the radification of them. As long as this is kept to a homeostasis, I do not see the problem with minor modifications.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Is it better not to know some secrets? Wanting to know everything, secrets, is human nature. Even though this may be true, it does not necessarily mean that it is best for us. Secrets may break us at times, they may not be what you want to hear. Secrets are what keep people together, too.